Football Saturday In The South will return from its winter layoff in early August. When we begin our third season, we'll be back here at our familiar site. We are no longer affiliated with AOL Sports. They decided to go another direction and quit covering individual schools on a daily basis.
That means a return home for us. We look forward to getting back here at FSITS and previewing the upcoming season. It should be an interesting one. Athlons and Lindy's have hit the newsstands and pick the Tigers in the lower half of the top 25. I can't say I blame them with road trips to LSU, Arkansas, Florida and Georgia on the schedule. But you can bet Tommy Tuberville will have Auburn ready by early September.
Enjoy your summer and we'll see you closer to Fall practice. War Eagle!
.....Just what we were all hoping for! Your site is loaded in my feed reader, and I'll enjoy posts as they come out!
Can't wait for another great year, Jay!
You're back! Score...less than 100 days to K-State. War Eagle!
Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to it. I can't believe we are three months away.
I for one am glad you will be back here this year. At least you can control your page content yourself. I never liked going to AOL.
War Eagle!!
Great to hear you're back. I've really enjoyed your blog in the past --- keep the good stuff coming.
I am so glad your back!!!!!!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to it. I can't believe we are three months away.
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- استخدام دواء: يستخدم بعض أنواع الأدوية لتحسين تجلطات الدم وزيادة تروية الأوردة.
- جراحة: في حالات شديدة من الدوالي، قد يكون من المفضل إجراء جراحة لإزالتها.
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